Couple Years of Protection:

RFP / Tenders

RFP / Tenders

Enquiry to engage a agency to provide Msg Vans for SBCC on ANCPNC and High Risk Pregnancy Awareness and spreading the messages under Private Sector Integration-Project

May 4, 2023

Amended Notice Inviting Empanelment of Internal Auditors in HLFPPT for the F. Y. 2023-24

May 3, 2023

Enquiry to engage the agency to conduct Nutritional Camp under Private sector Integration-Project

May 2, 2023

Notice Inviting Empanelment of Internal Auditors in HLFPPT for the F. Y. 2023-24

April 28, 2023

Expression of Interest (EoI) invited for selection of Agencies for support in Reproductive Health/Family Planning (RH/FP) uptake by Empowering Young Populations

April 15, 2023

RFP for Empanelment of the Agency for Printing and Supply of Stationery Items under CSR

March 28, 2023

RFP for Empanelment of the Agency for Purchase of Books under Skill Development Department

March 16, 2023

RFP for Engage the agency for Technology Resource and Healthcare innovation under Private sector Integration – BQL Project

March 6, 2023

RFP for Full Extensive Data Security Audit of Web Application Servers of SOCH NACO at NACO Delhi

February 27, 2023

Empanelment of the agency for Module Designing- Designing of Six Capacity building Modules developed under Community System Strengthening Project

February 24, 2023